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national airports 

national airports 

national airports 

national airports 

national airports 

national airports 

airports bikeep
smart bike parking for airports
Photo: Courtesy Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority

Reagan National Airport - USA

Airports are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainable transportation, and Reagan National Airport is leading the way with its innovative bike parking solutions.
The Reagan National Airport model demonstrates that bike facilities are a cost-effective and sustainable transportation solution.
Passengers and employees can arrive with bikes, e-bikes or even e-scooters since all of the stations support e-charging.

“Airports are not different from any other kind of urban developer. They are actually a destination within an urban environment, and any location that is a destination will need secure bike parking.”

Kristjan LindCEO & Founder - Bikeep

Made for Employees and Passengers

Design smart bike parking solutions that maximize urban mobility, reduce car dominance and demonstrate innovative infrastructure development.
Implement cost-effective, technology-integrated bicycle facilities that align with sustainable urban transportation strategies and enhance airport operational efficiency.
Transform your airport's mobility ecosystem with a forward-thinking, scalable bike infrastructure solutions.

smart bike storage airports

Let people know where and how

People want to know where and how they can start using the new infrastructure.
Start advertising early with billboards, regular airport visitors and employees will notice them quickly.
Smart bike parking in airports are not very common, takes time to get used to.

Photo: Courtesy Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority

Build a Product that you are proud of

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