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Bikeep Privacy Policy
For using Bikeep app and Services in Great Britain


This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) outlines the personal information collection, usage, and sharing practices of Bikeep (the “Company,” “we,” or “us”) for users of the Bikeep App (the “App”) and the Bikeep service (the “Service”) in the United Kingdom. The App provides information about Bikeep. The Service allows for the secure, connected integration of bicycles in urban transit environments.

Bikeep reserves the right to update or modify this privacy policy at any time, Bikeep will notify the User of any significant changes at least 14 days before the changes take effect. The notification of any significant changes will be sent by email or through the Bikeep app. Continued use of our app following the posting of changes constitutes the acceptance of these changes. The most current version of our privacy policy can always be found on our website or within the Bikeep app.

Collection, Use, and Sharing of Personal Information

“Personal Information” means information that can be associated with a particular user.  The charts below detail what Personal Information we collect:

What Personal Information We Collect

How We Collect the Personal Information

Why We Collect the Personal Information

Information that you provide directly as part of signing up to use the App, including name and email address.

You may include information that you select in using the “Contact Us” or similar features of the App.

We collect information to allow us to respond to inquiries and questions from users, and to keep in touch with them in accordance with their preferences.

Collection of information regarding the use of the App.

We may use cookies and similar tools (with the agreement of the user) in order to record how users interact with the App.

We collect this information to improve the functionality of the App.

Contact details including name, phone number, and email address.

We ask that you provide this information directly as part of using the Service.

We need this information to communicate with you regarding your use of the Service.

Language and communication preferences.

We ask that you provide this information directly as part of using the Service.

We need this information to communicate with you regarding your use of the Service.

Geo-location information.

We collect this information in accordance when you utilize the Service.

We need this information to communicate with you regarding nearby Bikeep stations.

Payment information, including the amount charged and the payment card used.

We collect this information when you pay for use of the Service.

We need this information to confirm payment for the Service.

Information you provide directly as part of chats or conversations with customer service agents.

We collect this information when you correspond or converse with customer service agents.

We need this information to provide you with customer service.

Device identification information, such as IP address.

This information is collected automatically by the Service.

We need this information to help deliver the Service.

User generated content, including photos of parked vehicles at Bikeep stations.

Users provide this information as part of using the Service.

We need this information to help deliver the Service.

No Sales or Sharing of Personal Information

We do not sell Personal Information. Personal Information may be shared for specific purposes, as listed below:

Third-Party Contractors – We may use contractors (“Service Providers”) to perform limited services on our behalf, such as hosting websites and providing email services. Service Providers are required to obtain only the necessary Personal Information, maintain confidentiality, and not use Personal Information for any purpose other than the service they were hired for.

Business Transitions – Personal Information may be shared with businesses legally part of the same group as the Company or that become part of that group. In the event of a business transition, such as a merger, Personal Information may be transferred to a new business owner, conditioned on treating it in accordance with this Policy.

Compliance with Law and Prevention of Harm – Disclosure of Personal Information may occur if reasonably necessary to comply with applicable law, enforce terms of service, address fraud or security issues, or protect against harm to the Company, users, or the public.

Aggregated and De-identified Data – Personal Information may be de-identified and/or aggregated to the extent permitted by law. Once de-identified, such information is no longer subject to this Policy.

Use, Sharing, and/or Sale of Non-personal Information – Non-personal information about user behavior with respect to the App or Service may be aggregated for improvement purposes. This data, not enabling individual identification, is not subject to this Policy.

In addition to the circumstances outlined above, we also share Personal Information with Bikeep distributors, resellers, and operators, for the following purposes:

Customer Support and Service
To provide users with support and service, we may share contact details and relevant user information with our partners. This allows our partners to address user inquiries, resolve issues, and offer assistance related to Bikeep stations and services.

Product and Service Improvement
We collaborate with our partners to enhance the Bikeep experience. This may involve sharing feedback, suggestions, and usage patterns to inform product development, maintenance, and service enhancements.

Choices Regarding Your Personal Information

Users can request information about the collection, use, and disclosure of information (“Right of Access”) and request deletion of their Personal Information (“Request to Delete”). The types of requests and the process for each are detailed below:

Right of Access

Users may submit a Right of Access by emailing

This Right of Access allows to request and receive a copy of the personal data that Bikeep holds about them, understand how their data is being used, and verify the lawfulness of the processing activities.

To verify identity, users may need to provide certain information, such as name, email address, and phone number. Additional requirements may apply for specific pieces of information.

Upon verification, responses to Right of Access will be provided within 30 days. If additional time is needed, users will be notified of the basis for the delay.

Requests to Delete

Users may submit a Request to Delete by completing the form provided at by emailing us at  When you submit a Request to Delete, we may ask you to provide certain pieces of information in order to verify your identity, such as your name, email address, and phone number.  If we are able to verify your identity, we will respond to your Request to Delete by (a) deleting your Personal Information and, if applicable, directing any of our Service Providers to delete your Personal Information; or (b) explaining why we are not required to delete your Personal Information.  We may choose to delete Personal Information by de-identifying, aggregating, or completely erasing the Personal Information.  We will specify the manner in which we delete your Personal Information.

If a Request to Delete or series of Requests to Delete are manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may charge a reasonable fee for processing the Request(s) to Delete, or may refuse to process the Request(s) to Delete.

Protection and Retention of Personal Information

We follow generally accepted industry standards, including the use of appropriate administrative, physical and technical safeguards, to protect Personal Information.

However, no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is entirely secure.  Therefore, while we strive to use commercially reasonable means to protect Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security or confidentiality.  Please be aware that certain Personal Information and other information provided by you in connection with your use of the App or Service may be stored on your device (even if that information is not collected by us).  You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your device from unauthorized access.

Personal Information will be retained for as long as is reasonably necessary to achieve the purposes set forth in this Policy, and to comply with all applicable laws.

Other Provisions

Accessibility and Language – Any person that is unable to access this Policy may request this Policy in an alternative format or language by contacting us at

International Users – Users who choose to access the App or Service do so on their own initiative and at their own risk, and are responsible for complying with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.  Users who choose to access the App or Service consent to the use and disclosure of information in accordance with this Policy and subject to such laws.  We may limit the App’s or Service’s availability, in whole or in part, to any person, geographic area or jurisdiction we choose, at any time and in our sole discretion.  We do not represent or warrant that the App or Service or any part thereof is appropriate or available for use in any other jurisdiction.

Children’s Privacy – The App and Service are neither directed to nor structured to attract Users under the age of 16.  If you are under the age of 13, you are not permitted to use the App or Service.  The Company does not knowingly collect Personal Information from users under the age of 13.  If you are a parent with concerns about children’s privacy issues in conjunction with the use of the App or Service, please contact the Company at

Amendments – We may modify or amend this Privacy Policy from time to time.  If we make any material changes, as determined by us, to this Privacy Policy, including in the way in which Personal Information is collected, used or transferred, we will notify you by e-mail to the address specified in your profile or by means of a notice on the App prior to the change becoming effective.

Contact Information

For questions about this Policy, contact

Effective Date

The effective date of this Policy is 2023-12-19.

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